
Friday, August 5, 2011

The Laundry...a Prettier Place Now!

I have been working on my laundry room for some time now, and I finally got around to taking pictures of it. These pictures have been filed away on my Mac since April folks! Needless to say I have a lot of catching up to do! lol. Well all in all I like how it turned out. I am still working on a solution for my open shelves I have going on {they are in the corner, and I will not post any pix because frankly it is a mess!}. But here is the rest of it. Laundry room is TINY, so whatever goes in needs to be functional....I added a bit of pretty to it too now.
Finally it is a place that I "Like" to be....hehehe. 

Here are the shelves I redid a while ago. The "Laundry" room sign used to be Red. Spraypaint silver! LOVE:-)
I actually used my old kitchen no sew curtain to the room. I thought that yellow is such a happy color to place in a laundry room. What do u think? {The basket on the left is full of fabric softener sheets}.
Here is my view as I do the laundry.....Had to add a bit of pretty to it!:-) The silver mini picture  and white vase are both vintage finds at the thrift store....0.50$ a pop! 
And now for my LOVE. I bought this lovely 4 years ago, on a whim. The whim being I was 9 months preggo, and had just been to the doc. Baby was overdue, so I ran to the store walk her OUT of there!lol. Insted I found this Mirror for $15. It was SO heavy. My plan failed because baby didn't come till 3 days later! I have this cool mirror. I painted it white to brighten up the space. Spray Paint...again,Yum!

So...if you dislike the time you spend in your laundry room like I do, go ahead and make it pretty...its such a fun incentive to be in a "cute" space. And its motivation to keep it "Pretty".


1 comment:

  1. i agree, so much prettier! i love the valance, it's perfect. i really love the color combo. where did you find the fabric?
