So i have been going a bit christmas decorating crazy lately..hehehe. I think I am just so excited that this time next year we should be in our forever home. So I am gearing up for that. Whatever I make now, can go in that house. And I makes me so happy to just think that its coming closer. Building permit in hand folks, we should start in the spring.! Hip Hip Hooray!!!
these pix show more of a orange color to the ribbons on the tree. In person they are actually gold. I am still working on my indoor picture taking skills. Perhaps next year I will attempt making my own tree skirt. Or maybe if I get bored this year;-)
my great grandmothers old danish plate. It reads 'hjemme er bedst". ~ to be home is best. My grandma says that she always remembers that her mom had it on her wall in Denmark as far back as she can recall. I now use it for a tree ornament. :-) It belonged to the Grandmother that my girls got their red hair from. |
Its been so fun decorating with natural elements...I have done this the past few years, and I dont think I could ever go back to not using real pine in my home. I do have a few faux pieces too. And I love those too. But there is just something nostalgic about the "real".
Love me some pomegranates!
My santa baby collection. I took these pixs of my babies on their first christmas'. They are one of my most treasured holiday decorations:-)
My sweet hubs surprise antique compass that he brought home for me one day... |
"S" cup that ONLY Santa can use on Christmas Eve...
For the baby pictures I have their names and the year they were taken. Its fun to see how much they have grown. And makes me want my babies little again!
Above, my 3 tier stand that I found this past summer. I have been looking ALL over for this particular one for YEARS now and I came across it online by chance one day. I about died! I sooooooo love it.
The JOY banner was from last year. I made it, with one of Shanty 2 Chics free downloads. Love their style.
I added some of my crystal metal ornaments onto the chandelier...its pretty I think.
(please dont mind the odd light bulbs!lol, this is a rental folks;-) And this lamp is NOT centered over the dining table, which drives me CRAZY because it looks so odd. I wanted to add some greenery to it, but it just made me mad that it is off to the side of the table. And that would add more oddness to it. Oh