So, when you need some new wall art for your home, just make it yourself! Total cost for this beauty was $0....because I had everything already on hand:-) I started out with this old picture frame {found in an old storage unit} for FREE! lol.
Here it is, it was a nice dark cherry frame, but since I am trying to light up our apartment I wanted something a little bit more cheery in to PAINT IT! Hmmm what color?
Yup you guessed it! |
Blue Ocean Breeze...yet again! lol. Note colors that I always have on hand are silver, white and several shades of blue....LOVE it!
First coat. No need for primer in this project!
Once that dried I went ahead and used a nice dark glaze to bring out the details. With two rags {one damp cloth and one dry} to wipe any off to get the desired effect i wanted.
A close up of the glaze |
After it dried, I busted out the sand paper....
Printed out a picture of my favorite starfish {yes, I did not even attempt to stick a REAL one in there when this one did the job}! lol , and pasted it on a fine piece of burlap....and Voila; my shabby sheik "cottagee" ocean like wall art! ;-)
Now my 1/2 bath is a little happier! Now doesn't that make you want to look around your house and see what you can make out of what you already have?